Real estate investment is a tricky avenue to venture into. Right from financial to strategic investment, there is plenty of learning in this field. While being a high-risk path, it sure comes with its own benefits. If you’re someone who is starting out as an agent or want some insight into the real estate business, you’ve arrived at the right place! 

Here are 6 Dos and Don’ts for Rental Real Estate Investment for you to make the best choices and make the best of any upcoming opportunities.

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

1. Do: Discuss all your assets and liabilities with a professional 

Rental real estate investment is a whole process and as an agent, it involves a lot of accountability and responsibility from both the tenant and the landlord. It can be incredibly overwhelming to handle. Especially if you are someone who wants to give out rooms for rent in NYC or such metropolitans. Having professional guidance or a tie-up with a property management company will do you good.

Don’t: Go into the real estate investment process blindly 

Real estate agents have huge responsibilities resting on their shoulders. From knowing all the current laws and regulations, to future trends, agents need to stay on top of their game at every turn. 

Agents, tenants, and landlords alike, whether you are giving out rooms to rent in NYC or trying to bag a sale in Washington, D.C, knowing all the different regulations and the diverse culture in each city takes a lot of prior research and study. 

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

2. Do: Take time to analyze all your options before entering a deal

When property worth thousands of dollars is in the equation, exercising caution while signing or getting into an agreement is like a do-or-die situation. As a future landlord, you would want a real estate investment that will not need many structural changes to save on renovation and construction costs. 

Don’t: Rush into loss-making deals 

Make sure to look into every aspect of real estate before buying or renting out a room in a house. It is always preferable to sort out your finances before rushing into an agreement that may not be profitable in the long run. Thus, having professionals check on the different processes like structural integrity, finances, and legalities, is critical.

Even as tenants, make sure to save as much cost as possible. For example, if you’re looking at rooms for rent in NYC, you might already be paying a considerable sum of money as rental costs. If you have a home near cheap transport options like the subway, you save up on travel time. With the never-ending options, sometimes it can become challenging to choose one. Don’t rush into any deals without getting the entire picture. 

3. Do: Prospect family and friends to acquire new clients

Being a marketer comes naturally with being a real estate agent. Always lookout for new prospects in your close circle, family, and friends. It not only saves additional marketing costs in the first run of your career as an agent, but also creates a trustworthy network for your business. It is always better to give out rooms for rent in NYC, etc to someone you know.

Don’t: Neglect marketing and branding activities

Even though the easiest option as a real estate agent is to market your brand through word of mouth, going all-in with different strategies and expanding your client base is crucial. Connecting with other tenants and landlords from different parts of the city is only possible by using digital media in a pandemic-torn era. If you want to give rent out rooms in San Jose, NYC, Seattle, or other parts of America, having an online presence on Facebook is beneficial as it is the most used application in America.

real estate investing branding

4. Do: Take on additional work to gain good credit 

An agent has multiple roles such as advisory, management of various clients, opening houses, making sales, and many more hidden duties. The most important part of being an agent is to keep the existing clients happy by providing them with services of top-notch quality so that they keep coming back. Going the extra mile and offering them supplementary services like credit checks, background checks, home staging, etc., can add additional goodwill.

Don’t: Overfill your plate with real estate investment work

Taking on too much work will eventually lead to compromising on the quality due to the sheer amount of work. This might lead to disgruntled clients, which is a big disadvantage for your real estate business, where the crux lies in the relationship you build with your patrons. With so many clients making life-changing decisions by taking your word for it, make sure to work toward finding stability in work and in your personal life.

5. Do: Follow up on clients

Invest in following up on prospects and clients as in the real estate business, the competition is already too high. Finding rooms for rent in NYC, etc is a tedious task. You will have to prove to your clients that you are deeply involved in the entire process of finding them a home in such cities. Find ways to let them know how valued their time has been and give them various options based on their previous feedback, if any.

real estate investment cold calling

Don’t: Resort to incessant cold calling 

Being a good salesperson is an integral part of being a realtor. Incessant cold-calling might drive away potential clients even if you have their best intentions. Always gauge what the clients’ needs are before hounding them with follow-up calls. It is okay if they take longer than usual to get back to you. The quality of services you provide is testament enough!

6. Do: Adequate research on the current real estate investment market trends and regulations

The real estate market is a quick-moving business. The government plays an active part in controlling the prices involved and giving it a much-needed direction. Knowing the current and projected trends only helps you to plan and execute accordingly to maximize your revenue. No matter what the occupation is, the learning must never stop! 

Don’t: Negotiate without information

Without negotiations, chances are, you might miss out on deals that will turn tables for your business. If you’re trying to rent rooms in San Jose, or want to know the average rental costs in the remotest of cities in America, browse through the numerous blogs available for your aid and make the maximum advantage of living in the age of free and transparent information! 

Now that you’re all equipped, move along with a cautious gaze and enjoy the learning process!

Disclaimer: This guest article was written by Mary Smith. Mary is a student at the University of California, and also a part-time content curator. She enjoys writing about real estate, digital marketing, trending technologies, and evolving lifestyle on diverse platforms. When she isn’t working, you can find her experimenting with a new recipe in her kitchen, exploring a new corner, or watching Netflix.

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