Pinterest is a popular social media channel that can generate more referrals for your real estate business.

31% of adults online are using Pinterest. Some of those people are potential home buyers who could be your prospects. The goal is to capture the attention of these potential home buyers and sellers while developing a social media sales funnel to close them as clients. Urban Development, Architecture, Gardening, and Home Decor are just a few of the categories where your real estate images could be positioned for more online exposure.

Sure, Facebook and Instagram continue to dominate social media, but marketing yourself on Pinterest offers real estate professionals a rich, untapped resource for lead generation. As a matter of fact, your active Pinterest account can drive search results for a lot of local organic keywords.

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

A Beginner’s Definition of Pinterest

Pinterest is primarily a social media platform for sharing high-quality images. High-resolution images of home interiors, housing properties, and clients you’ve helped to find their dream home are all examples of content you can upload to Pinterest. If you’re investing in images to showcase and sell your properties, those images can easily be repurposed to gain followers on Pinterest.


Who Uses Pinterest?

  • 71% percent of Pinterest users are female.
  • On average, Pinterest users spend 50% more on purchases than users on other channels (Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc).
  • Users aged 18 – 34yrs spend an average of 200 minutes monthly engaging on the platform.

The statistics make it clear that Pinterest largely appeals to savvy, creative female millennials who engage monthly with the site. Their engagement is purposeful and substantial, which would explain why engagement on the site is so high at 200 monthly minutes per user on average.

REMAX Pinterest profile

Engaging on Pinterest means you’ll attract interest from female professionals with a creative flair.  Stagers, decorators, blog writers,  photographers, and marketing professionals can be found sharing their content on Pinterest. They work closely with real estate agents, so your content could be of potential value. To peak their interest, your images should be unique, original, and of the highest quality. Your images can then be shared by other Pinterest members to generate referrals.

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

8 Simple Pinterest Tips For Real Estate Professionals

1. Follow Other Relevant Pinterest Members

Your first priority on Pinterest should be to find and follow as many relevant members as you can find. By following them, you’ll receive alerts whenever they post content, which you can then share on your social media.

Pinterest Topics That You Should Aggregate For Repins:

  • Interior decoration post
  • Infographics about real estate
  • Infographics about market economy
  • Community posts
  • Tips and tricks for DIY boards
  • Popular local pinners

2. Start A Pinterest Board

Contributing content of your own is critical to being effective on Pinterest. Repurpose the images on your website and start multiple boards, each with a unique focus. You can dedicate one board to condo properties, another to single detached homes, a third board could be amazing curb-front properties, while a fourth one focuses on happy clients.

3. Use High-Quality Images

Images with poor resolution will stand out on Pinterest – in a bad way. The images you’ll find on Pinterest tend to be more staged and higher quality than the casual photos you’ll find on Facebook. There are imaging software apps you can use to enhance your mobile images, as well as web-based, graphic design solutions like Canva to improve the layout and add text to your image.

Pinterest images on a real estate board



4. Optimize Your Pinterest Profile For Local SEO

Pinterest posts rank quite well for local SEO. You should optimize your Pinterest profile to take advantage of this. Add a proper description to each of your boards. Explain to your audience what your board is all about. For each of the pins that you upload you need to add a comprehensive description.

pinterest ranking on Google

5. Include A Direct Link To Your Website

This is so important! Pinterest members who find your content will be directed to your Pinterest account, but they should be going directly to your website. Include a hyperlink to your blog, where they can subscribe to your email list for more great real estate images and information.

6. Capture New Visitors with Strategic Email Marketing

Converting visitors from Pinterest is critical to building your subscriber list. Visitors should find either an offer or item of value on your website that offers value and speaks to their interests. Designate a special Pinterest segment of your subscriber list. Create a special drip campaign for Pinterest visitors or a lead magnet of free images they can use. Integrating your email marketing strategy with your Pinterest account will help you capture and convert leads more effectively.

7. Don’t Sell On Pinterest!

The quickest way to be ignored on Pinterest is to post advertising copy. Don’t advertise yourself directly. Instead, adopt an inbound approach. Give value to your followers. Share useful infographics and other pins from the community. Your Pinterest business profile page is where you tell everyone who you are and use can use the website link as a call to action to redirect any traffic from Pinterest to your website.


Pinterest, “the world’s catalog of ideas” is primarily a visual platform, popular with savvy, creative, female millennials who appreciate stunning images. You can use your Pinterest account to connect with professionals in home decor, urban development, architecture, real estate, and other relevant categories.

Directing Pinterest traffic to your blog or website will enable you to capture leads that could yield valuable referrals. Offer Pinterest users unique images, infographics and custom graphics that they’ll find informative, helpful, and visually appealing.

The more your images are shared, the more likely you are to inspire engagement on a platform that is currently among the top social media channels for average monthly engagement globally.