We can all agree that growth and goal setting is crucial to long-term success in real estate.

Whether you are just beginning your real estate career, or you have 20 years of experience in the industry, you want this year to be better than the last. The question is, how do you get from point A to point B?

If you are just starting out, you may not have the required experience or knowledge you need to achieve your goals. If you have been in the industry for a few years, you may have exhausted your resources and find yourself hitting a dead end when it comes to growth.

The Ultimate Tool for Growth

Regardless of your age, experience level or geographic location, there is one method that you can implement that almost guarantees growth and advancement.

The best way to learn and grow is to model the habits and behaviors of those who have already achieved the success that you are chasing.

Yes, you can spend years reading books and learning the lessons of success on your own out in the field. However, if you find the right mentor, you can 10X or even 100X your growth process.

Your perfect mentor has already read the books you want to read. They have gone through the difficulties you may face in the future. They have broken through the barriers you currently face and have enjoyed the rewards on the other side. The top Olympic athletes in the world have coaches. Even the great personal coach, Tony Robbins, has a whole team of mentors and coaches to help him improve.

It’s black and white. If you want to become a successful leader in real estate, you absolutely need a mentor.

Who Should You Be Emulating?

When it comes to finding a model or mentor, you need to be extremely selective. If you partner with the wrong individual, you can find yourself regressing instead of getting closer to your goals.

The idea is to emulate or replicate the habits, skills, and routines that will push you toward your end goals. A mentor who is not enjoying the career or lifestyle you hope to have may not be the best candidate for you.

When selecting a mentor look for:

  • A proven track record of success
  • Natural leadership, teaching or coaching tendencies
  • Honesty and compassion
  • A diverse and well-established network
67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

3 Different Types of Mentors You Should Consider

Different types of mentors bring their own benefits and drawbacks.

#1) Professional Peers/Top Performers

You could partner with a fellow agent that might have more experience than you. This is the route that many real estate professionals take as an agent’s advice and tactics are typically directly applicable to your goals.

On the other hand, other agents that live close to you might be competing for the same clients- a tricky obstacle to overcome for both the mentor and the mentee.

#2) Local Influencers

Perhaps you are looking to increase your network and sphere of influence? A local influencer could be a great mentor for you, helping to up your social media game and connect with real professionals around the world.

Influencers also have the ability to introduce you to others outside of real estate. They tend to have connections from multiple industries where a local agent mentor might operate mostly within their own sector.

An influencer may have wide-reaching connections but their advice related to the smaller details of real estate may be limited. On the other hand, if they are more focused on growing their online following, they might be out of touch with face-to-face sales, or actually closing a deal.

#3) Local Entrepreneurs

Besides other agents and influencers, you might also want to consider an entrepreneur for your mentorship. Entrepreneurs who operate outside of real estate might not have their pulse on the housing market but they can provide a plethora of knowledge that will propel you towards success. Their experiences in building businesses, working with a wide range of personalities and overcoming obstacles are priceless.

Even if you do have a real estate mentor, you should still consider an entrepreneurial coach or guide. At the core of every successful real estate professional, you will find entrepreneurial tendencies.

Take Action Now

After reading this article, immediately write down a list of 10 mentors that you believe would help you reach your next level. Send them an email or message on social media and inquire about a mentorship relationship.

Don’t forget to include what you can offer them. In order to create a successful mentor relationship, you need to create a value loop. You may have a skill that you can offer to your potential mentor or you could offer to help an individual or a cause that they care about.

Need help connecting with a mentor?

Join local real estate and entrepreneurial-focused groups, or ask our Parkbench team about the process of building local relationships in your city!