Instagram is currently one of the most active social media platforms on the internet. In 2018, Instagram is looking to add a bunch of new features to help business owners promote their product in front of the right audience.

In this article, I will teach you how to leverage your Instagram audience and promote your real estate business for maximum results. The goal here is to share some tips and tricks that you should follow in order to get the most engagement and better viewership on your Instagram account.

Convert Your Instagram Profile Into A Business Profile

The first that you should do is take advantage of Instagram business profile. Unlike person profiles, business profiles allow you to add a phone number and get directions to your real estate business.

You also get access to Instagram business insights allowing you to see analytical data of how your Instagram is doing.

Instagram switch to business profile

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

1.Promote Open Houses With Live Videos

Instagram allows you to go live on their platform just like Facebook Live. If you are doing an open house you should stream the event live on your Instagram account. Livestream is one of the best ways to gain a short burst of followers. People who follow you will be notified once you go live. Chat and interact with your live audience. Ask them questions and feedback to make the event more interactive.

2. Post Short Video Posts Perform Better For Real Estate Professionals

Your Instagram profile is probably filled with a lot of images from new listings and just sold homes. Have you considered posting short video posts on your profile as well? Videos with the right combination of hashtags tend to generate more engagement in general compared to images. This trend is likely going to widen in 2018 with more mobile users consuming more video content than ever before.

Things you should create videos about:

  • your listings and just sold
  • local neighborhood information
  • quick 60-second real estate market trends, tips, and news
  • open house videos
  • client testimonials
67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

3. Use the Instagram Bio Area To Generate Traffic On Your Real Estate website

The Instagram bio section is extremely effective in generating lots of traffic to a URL of your choice. In order to use the bio section effectively, we compiled a list of tips that you should follow to get better results.

  • Make sure that your Bio has some sort of a call to action associated with it.
  • Shorten your destination URL in your bio section. This allows you to use more characters for writing the actual message.
  • Your landing page must match the message on your Instagram profile. This is crucial if you want to convert a greater percentage of visitors into customers. Do not redirect people to the homepage. Instead focus on your home value page, neighborhood profile page or single property pages.
  • Finally, you should switch your bio often. Also, mention about your bio link in Instagram stories and videos.