Even though referrals are one of the top ways to grow your real estate business, asking for referrals in real estate can be uncomfortable. 

Yet, 82% of all real estate transactions come from repeat and referral business. So you may be wondering if there is a way to guarantee referrals without having to ask for them. Good news – there is!

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

Instead of asking for referrals in real estate, you can try these strategies: 

  1. Promote Local Businesses

Sometimes it is easy to think of yourself as an island when you operate your own real estate business. But if you view your community as a functioning being, you will begin to see your business as a part of a whole. When one part of the whole is doing well, the entire body thrives. When local businesses feel like you are doing them a favor, your name will be top of mind the next time they hear of someone who is selling a home. Local businesses interact with your customers at such a high frequency that you’ll love having them as your advocates.

Some ways to promote local businesses are:

  • Run contests featuring prizes from local businesses.
  • Connect local businesses with charities in your community through your social media platforms. 
  • Create loyalty programs with local businesses for current and former clients and inform them of the program through your local e-newsletter.
  • Using your online platform, set up a customer referral program with other local businesses.

Your community is full of amazing leaders for you to connect with – check out the Community Leader checklist for more information.

  1. Provide Extra Value to Your Existing Clients

Nurturing past clients is an important thing to keep in mind. 82% of all real estate transactions come from repeats and referrals. By connecting with past clients through your various social media channels, your post-deal after-care will keep you top of mind. When former clients are looking for a real estate agent for either themselves or their friends, they won’t have far to look. 

Some other ways to provide value to your clients are:

  • Set your CRM to remind you of your client’s birthdays and send a card with a personal handwritten message on their birth date. 
  • Sponsor a home-expert seminar or a client appreciation event.
  • Keep in contact and see if they need any recommendations for a home professional.
  • Send them a monthly e-newsletter.
  1. Provide Extra Value to Your Community

When you focus on the best interest of your community, you will establish yourself as the expert in your community. Some ways to embrace your community are: 

  • Keeping up to date with community events. 
  • Highlighting local sales/promotions for businesses.
  • Promoting community developments and news stories.
67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

So, How Can You Get Referrals Without Asking for Them?

When you shift your focus from asking for referrals to giving to your community, people will start to notice. And when they need a real estate agent or hear of someone who does, you will be top of mind. Plus, you have the added bonus of knowing that you are doing something good for the people around you.