By now you’ve seen handfuls of headlines, Facebook comments, and Reddit threads all talking about the newest app in town, Clubhouse. And with everyone busy groveling for an invite to the exclusive platform, you’re probably wondering, “how can real estate agents use Clubhouse to their advantage?

If you’ve gotten this far and are still wondering what Clubhouse even is, be sure to check out our breakdown of the app here. But, if you’re ready to start using Clubhouse to grow your real estate business, then keep reading.

Of course, at the time of writing, the app is still operating on an invite-only basis. But remember, it’s never too early to start planning your social media strategies. So, invite or not, let’s dive in.

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

How can real estate agents use Cubhouse for lead generation?

Not surprisingly, many agents on Clubhouse are already wondering how to chase leads and sales on the app. That’s totally understandable and a natural reaction. However, according to Jay Thompson, real estate veteran, and writer for Inman, chasing leads shouldn’t be your main focus here. And we can’t help but agree. 

As with most social media platforms, Clubhouse is a place for you and others to socialize, learn, and most importantly develop meaningful connections. Most people aren’t joining the app looking to be sold something and if you push the sales angle too hard you’ll just end up turning people off. 

Furthermore, a study conducted by Absolute Engagement, a company designed to help businesses foster meaningful client relationships, found that putting forth the effort to engage with your following will pay off in the end. The study found that while “satisfied” clients tend to be loyal clients, only about 20% of them offered referrals within 12 months of working with an agent. 

On the other hand “engaged clients” were just as loyal, but 98% of them provided one or more referrals within 12 months of working with an agent. This information shows us the importance of building a following that you can frequently engage with on a personal and professional level.

What does an engaged client look like?

Now we know that engaged clients provide more referrals, but what does an engaged client look like? In a presentation on the value of discussions, real estate expert Bill Cates describes an engaged client as someone who understands your value. This means they find value in the lessons you teach, the questions you ask, and the connections you make. 

According to Cates’ presentation, an engaged client will be drawn to your personality as well. Although you may not become best friends with this person, you should become “business friends” with them. Cates suggests you should be as curious about these clients as they are about you. 

When you focus on getting to know these clients and providing them with value in and outside of real estate, you begin to foster engaging relationships. And as we’ve already established, these engaging relationships often end up providing more leads for your business in return. 

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

How can real estate agents use Clubhouse for networking?

You’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times, networking is vital to a successful real estate career. At the end of the day, knowing the right people can open all kinds of doors for you. Luckily, Clubhouse makes networking, especially during uncertain COVID-19 times, easy and fun. 

The app is a never-ending virtual conference. You have the freedom to scroll through the “hallway” and when a room catches your interest you can pop in and join the conversation. The exciting thing is, you never know who you will meet in any given room. What’s even better is there’s no pressure to stay in a room either. You can speak up if you want, or stay quiet and soak up all of the knowledge you can. In order to talk in a room that you’re not hosting, you will need to first “raise your hand.” Then the moderator can choose to give you the stage.

If you were attending conferences and networking events prior to the pandemic, then this virtual alternative will feel pretty familiar to the real thing.  

So, how can real estate agents use Clubhouse to increase their social following?

We believe the main focus of Clubhouse will be networking and relationship building. Yet Clubhouse also gives you a chance to grow your current following on Instagram or Twitter. Currently, these are the only two accounts you can link to your Clubhouse profile through the profile settings. Make a good impression on everyone you meet in a Clubhouse room. It’s a simple call to action to easily direct them to your other profiles too. Clubhouse doesn’t have its own direct messaging feature at this time. So, redirecting meaningful connections to your other platforms as a way to stay in touch should be simple. 


