What are the 3 single most important areas of business you should be concentrating on as a real estate professional?

  • Growing your business
  • Increasing leads
  • Expanding your sphere of influence

In the real estate industry, there are countless creative ways a professional can market themselves. And yet, most agents choose the same methods over and over again.

Kicking it old school is a great choice when it comes to music and vintage clothing but not smart when it comes to real estate marketing.

So, if you’re looking for a new approach, it’s time to investigate sponsorship.

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

Sponsorship And Real Estate  

real estate sponsorship

Real estate professionals that make sponsorship a habit become local leaders in their community. If you want to expand your influence, gain respect, and feel great about the work that you doing on a daily basis, you need to explore sponsorship opportunities.

What do we mean by sponsorship?  Sponsorships are opportunities to support either a group, team, or organization that makes a positive impact on your community while increasing your exposure. This could involve supplying funds, but it could also be a simple donation of your time.

To get you started, here are 4 sponsorship ideas you can implement today…

#1) Partner with a local charity.

Local charities and not-for-profit organizations are always looking for extra support. As a real estate professional, you have a lot to offer to a charitable group. Of course, you can offer funding to expand their programs but you can also provide your time and relationships. Real estate professionals are typically one of the most connected individuals in a city. By partnering with a charity, you can look at their long-term goals and see who you might know that could help them get there.

Don’t be afraid to ask the charity to share your influence. If you are providing value and helping those in need, it’s fair to share those efforts on social media and other platforms. Conduct interviews with the leaders of the charity and continue to search for ways to support their cause and your community will take notice.

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

#2) Start or support a professional group in your community.

Professional organizations and groups are one of the best places to grow your influence. Professionals understand networking and the value of referrals. By sponsoring or supporting a local group, you instantly become their real estate reference or leader.

An additional benefit of sponsoring a professional group is that it strengthens the entire community. In order to be successful as a realtor, you need the families in your area to have successful careers. Think about sponsoring a professional group like fertilizing a garden. It will pay local dividends for years to come.

#3) Become THE Local Real Estate Leader.

Parkbench testimonial Monica holtzhauer

You can sponsor a charity, an organization, but why not sponsor your entire community? This is the foundation that Parkbench is built on. Local Parkbench leaders look to support and bring value to their entire community. By conducting interviews, sharing news, and drawing attention to the area, all the local businesses benefit.

Parkbench is on a mission to launch 1 million neighborhood websites and to change the way real estate agents think about marketing. Instead of, “What can this community do for me?” start thinking… “What can I do for this community?”

Parkbench gives you the tools, training, and support to truly become a leader that provides massive value to your clients and every other resident. They only allow one real estate professional sponsorship per community

#4) Offer your advice at local education centers.

It doesn’t matter where you live- people respect those who offer support to the youth. Whether you want to talk at a career day at an elementary school or visit lectures at a university, donating funds or your time to a school will always pay off.

Most real estate professionals are in the industry for the long term. If you are working with local universities or colleges, you are speaking to the future home buyers of your city. Give them as much value as you can and reap the rewards of strong relationships for years.


Whether you decide to become a local Parkbench leader or you lend a hand at an animal shelter, the important takeaway from this article is about contribution. Give back. Provide value. It’s both a short-term and a long-term marketing solution that will grow your business and help you sleep at night.

Visit parkbench.com now to become the sponsor of your neighborhood!

