After tireless prospecting, you finally manage to secure a few listing appointments for the week. Now the pressure is really on to turn curious prospects into motivated clients. Every close is a listing for you, and, hopefully, a healthy commission.

The home shopper’s journey is an emotional one, with surprises and challenges at every turn. New homeowners, in particular, rely on their real estate agent for confident direction, insight, and timely support.

Your listing appointment or consultation is a critical step in the home shopper’s journey. A thoughtful, strategic presentation will no doubt impress, but there are other factors that can impact your closing ratio.

If you want to get more listings, start closing more appointments. Follow our helpful tips to take your closing skills to the next level!

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

10 Tips For Closing More Listing Appointments

  1. Assume the close.
  2. Complete a CMA.
  3. Create a well-branded listing presentation package
  4. Appearance matters.
  5. Don’t overwhelm with details.
  6. Listen more than you speak.
  7. Anticipate and handle objections.
  8. Discuss the listing price at the end.
  9. Offer unconditional release terms.
  10. Follow up.

Let’s dive in a little deeper and examine each tip.

#1) Assume the close.

Fact is, 72% of home buyers and sellers interview only 1 agent. So guess what? If you won the appointment, your chances of closing the deal are phenomenally high already.

Being assumptive means more than projecting confidence and enthusiasm. It means being fully prepared and engaged. When you are prepared and well-rested, you can make your clients feel at ease.

To be assumptive, avoid phrases such as:

  • So sorry I’m late…
  • I know I’m not the most experienced agent but…
  • Thank you for giving me a chance…
  • I’m not sure, I’ve only been doing real estate for…

I think you get the picture. Prospects who have agreed to meet with you don’t want to hear your apologies. They’re looking for answers. Your meeting should simply reassure them that you WILL deliver results because you’re capable and because you actually care.

#2) Prepare a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

A comparative market analysis (CMA) will give your clients valuable insight into the current market conditions. Long before you meet with your prospects, prepare a CMA with as much detail as possible.

Here is a YouTube tutorial to explain how to do a CMS through your local MLS:

#3) Create a listing presentation package.

Your listing package should wow your clients. If the marketing collateral you use to promote your services is top-notch, your prospects will feel reassured that you can market their home in a similar manner.

Your listing presentation should include:

  • Agent Bio
  • Testimonials/References
  • Services
  • Marketing Plan

Be sure that your accompanying website and other online properties convey a similar level of quality as your printed material. Your branding should be consistent across all platforms and media.

#4) Appearance matters.

if you arrived at a listing appointment dressed in work-out sweats, that doesn’t project confidence. A sharp outfit, however, conveys success.

We judge people by their choice of attire because our clothes convey signals to others about who we are and what we value.

Take the time to present yourself as a winner, and your clients will feel a lot more at ease as soon as you step into the room.

#5) Don’t overwhelm with details.

A listing appointment can easily be side-tracked by financial figures and market statistics.

You may be asked to answer every question your clients have about mortgage costs, closing costs, appraisals, and other fees.

Clients should be concerned and have every right to expect detailed answers. It’s your job to manage their concerns in a way that will actually alleviate their fears.

Detailed figures can help give clients a more accurate picture of the costs they can anticipate. Rather than engage in a lengthy verbal discussion, come prepared with collateral that provides data in a manner easily presented.

Infographics and color-coded charts are great tools to have in your listing presentation kit. Clients will absorb the information more readily and you can leave it with them.

If you include helpful consultation videos and tutorials on your website, prospects will feel reassured and fully supported.  

#6) Listen more than you speak.

Feedback from your prospects is crucial to your success at closing. During the listing appointment, resist the urge to deliver a scripted presentation without pause. Leave room in your presentation for asking and answering questions as you progress.

#7) Anticipate Objections.

Instead of barreling through your presentation slides, invite your prospects to voice their concerns or objections. Anticipate what kinds of objections your prospects may have based on your research. Then, be prepared with collateral or solutions that address each concern.

Be sure to ask the client whether or not they are happy with the solution you offer:

  • Did I answer your question?
  • Would that solution work for you?
  • Do you need further explanation?

In doing so, you demonstrate attentiveness to their needs. If you are thorough, attentive, and responsive to prospects during the listing appointment, they’ll feel reassured emotionally that you are dedicated.

#8) Discuss the listing price last.

Many sellers will be eager to learn the listing price and potential earnings they can expect. A proper valuation, however, should be the final step.

Overvaluation can seriously cost your clients thousands of dollars down the road. While it may be tempting to inflate your estimates to win their business, it is unethical and could ultimately cost you your reputation.

Be prepared with broad ranges based on your CMA data. Advise your clients about the dangers of overvaluation, discuss closing costs in advance, and don’t commit to a price that isn’t justified by the data.

#9) Provide an unconditional release clause in your listing agreement

If you really want to seal the deal, include an unconditional release clause. Mention this at the end of the appointment. While other agents insist on a 6-month minimum, or 60-days notice, your unconditional release gives your clients the upper hand every step of the way.

#10) Follow up with each prospect

It may seem obvious but a surprising number of agents fail to follow up with prospects.

At the end of your listing appointment, provide your client with their next steps and a timeline for buying/selling their home. Send an email reminder, shortly after, summarizing the key points of your presentation.

Marketing automation makes it easy to schedule timely communications to prospects and clients automatically. Consider implementing a drip campaign to facilitate the onboarding experience for new customers.


The more listing appointments you close, the more listings and commissions for you. Improve your closing ratio, and you’ll succeed even with fewer appointments.

Since most digital home shoppers only interview one agent, you stand a good chance of winning the listing if you’ve secured an appointment. All you have to do is assure and reassure clients that you are not only capable but committed to their success.

Above all, be yourself. Your personality, as well as your expertise, combine to make you unique. Draw on the things that make you different from your competitors and don’t be afraid to own it!

