You’ve just conducted an awesome video interview – the conversation flow was natural and fun, you and the subject had great rapport, they were animated and detailed in their responses, and the location made the whole thing look amazing.

Now what?

Well, now you’ve got to get people watching it! Simple enough, right?


First, you need to realize that you’re smack dab in the middle of the digital video content marketing age. You are competing for views with heavy-hitters like P&G, PepsiCo and Unilever – with their in-house full-time digital marketing staffs and massive agency budgets. Their goal is simple: get MILLIONS of views and generate traffic to their brand sites, thereby increasing sales.

Except for one small detail: You actually aren’t competing with them at all if you plan your execution strategy properly.

Above all else, you need to be focused on your target audience. You aren’t trying to win the internet with your awesome interview with a local business figure, and if you are, you’ll fail.

Remember the words of Grandmaster Flash in your approach.

“Conquer your neighborhood, conquer your city, conquer your country, and then go after the rest of the world.”

You are not trying to take over the internet. You aren’t event trying to conquer your city. Your aim is to conquer your neighborhood – one video at a time. Whatever happens from there happens, but you’re starting small and trying to appeal to people in a very specific area.

We sat down with Colton David, A/V Overlord at to talk about THE best way to post your video content online for maximum effect. It’s one point, and one point only.

Facebook > YouTube

People obviously associate any and all video content immediately with YouTube, but Facebook has made a strong case for posting directly to the site. “Facebook is just better for getting your content seen now. You can leverage your friend’s list with your content to get more views quicker, AND Facebook promotes videos posted on the site more heavily than YouTube does.”

But that’s not the only benefit of posting to Facebook over YouTube. “Facebook is great for reaching older and more varied audiences. You have more chance of someone seeing your video randomly on Facebook than on YouTube.”

And when it comes time for your subject to share your video, posting directly to Facebook makes an easily shareable post that your subject can circulate in their network which will have your name attached directly to the post, as opposed to sharing a link to the video. “It’s just way easier for everybody to post it to Facebook. Easier to share, easier to repost, easier to attribute to your social media presence. Everything.”

“Social media analytics provider Quintly analyzed 6.2 million posts by 167,000 Facebook profiles over the last half of 2016. In each month, Facebook native videos performed better in average interactions and shares, averaging 110% more interactions and 478% more shares.

But in December, something odd happened.

“Facebook native videos received a 1055.41% higher average share rate than Youtube videos,” the company says.” – Forbes, 13 March, 2017

That’s not to say you should ignore YouTube, however. Once you post to YouTube, you can still share across all of your social media accounts – and should – to help drive traffic to your YouTube page and attract subscribers. But thanks to a recent push by Facebook content posted to the site directly seen more often, there’s no denying that it is much easier to get views on Facebook.

When it comes to getting more people watching your video interviews, the path of least resistance is always the best one.

