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A Cold Call Script for Real Estate Agents Who Hate Cold Calling

cold call script advice

Cold calls. Dreaded words that evoke negative connotations in just about every agent. Well, shudder no more. We’re gonna share with you a cold call script that is going to turn your cold calling into an effective lead generation strategy.

Let’s get started!

There’s no special ingredient or talent needed to get good at cold calls. Really. The key to successful cold calling isn’t what you say but HOW. And how you express yourself on a cold call is a direct reflection of your:

With the right preparation and a handful of qualified leads, you can actually make your cold calling a fun daily exercise.

Reach out to your prospects with enthusiasm and unwavering faith in the value of what you offer. Armed with the right attitude, you’ll have the confidence to initiate more conversations and handle objections.

5 Reasons Why Your Cold Calling Isn’t Working

Poor energy

You sound nervous when you should be enthusiastic. Or, you overdo it on the phone and speak in an animated manner that puts prospects off. A strong, confident elevator pitch will cure that problem.

Lack of consistency

Practice makes perfect. Yes, your first few conversations will be awkward, but you won’t develop a rhythm without daily practice. Set a schedule for cold calling with a target for the number of daily phone calls. Aim for at least 25 – 30 calls a day when you first start. You won’t reach everyone so make every connection count!

Lack of rehearsal

Fumbling on the phone with the wrong information about your prospect, mispronunciations, and awkward pauses project a lack of confidence. Would you feel confident trusting someone with a property transaction who can’t get your name right? Not a good look. That’s why you should rehearse!

No originality

Reading your cold call script verbatim is a sure way to kill any interest in a conversation. Do you enjoy listening to someone read to you over the phone? Personalize your cold call script and use it as a roadmap for guiding your conversation, rather than a crutch.

You’re not using a cold call script

Your conversation needs to be developed in logical stages that lead the prospect to a decision. Without a script, your conversations will lack direction and focused results. You’ll also be less confident handling objections.

6 Cold Call Script Tips To Remember:

Use these tips as a guideline to creating a cold call script that is purposeful and effective.

The following script is intended for buyer agents seeking to win listings. It can easily be personalized and tweaked for just about any agent, buyer, or seller.

An Awesome Cold Call Script For Agents

Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!

Step #1) Greeting.

Hello, Good morning/afternoon, is this X? (state the prospect’s first name)

Keep your greeting short and to the point. Do not use your prospect’s full name. That’s what every other CSR and cold caller is doing. Use your prospect’s first name.

Step #2) Introduction.

Hi! My name is X and it’s so good to finally reach you! I’m a real estate expert for “X” community. Is this a good time to talk?

Let the client respond. They may be driving, in the middle of a task, or managing a crisis. Showing this courtesy will set a good tone for the conversation.

At this point, your prospect will either raise an objection or give their permission. Regardless of their answer (even a rude one), your answer should always be the same.

In the case of an objection lead with EMPATHY:

If your prospect has no objection, proceed to your elevator pitch!

Step #3) Elevator Pitch.

More than any other part of your cold call script, your elevator pitch needs to sound convincing, not rehearsed. It should reveal your motive for the call and the solution you are offering.

If your elevator pitch doesn’t generate curiosity about what you’re offering, you should consider tweaking it until it does.

Step #4) Objections.

After your elevator pitch, objections are common but don’t be alarmed by this response. Someone who starts making excuses is looking for an exit because you haven’t struck a chord with their needs. A prospect who asks a lot of questions, on the other hand, is INTERESTED!

Your goal should be to win the appointment, NOT to sell your expertise. Be assumptive and your prospect will assume you are an expert.

The best way to respond to an objection is:

Ask questions to understand your prospect’s pain points. Show empathy for their experience and appeal to your prospect’s goals. Focus your conversation on how you can help them reach their goals, instead of persuading them that you are an expert.

Bryan Casella is a noted sales expert whose Youtube coaching videos have helped thousands of agents improve their cold calling. You’ll learn a lot from his cold call and objection handling, even though he’s not using a cold call script:

Step #5) Close the Call.

Your closing is the seal of confirmation. Provide your prospect with clear instructions and a timeline of the next steps.

Keep your close short and to the point. Be decisive and have an appointment date in mind BEFORE you call. Once you get the confirmation, give them your positive reaffirmation!

Step #6) Reaffirmation.

Reassuring your prospect that they’ve made a good decision is key. Make them feel rewarded. Encourage your prospect by pointing out something positive about their decision to meet with you.


Admittedly, cold calling isn’t an ideal form of lead generation. For agents with a specialized focus or niche, however, a good cold call script can bring you appointments you would never have uncovered elsewhere.

Personalize your cold call script and use it as a roadmap to guide your conversations. Set a specific goal for your call, as well as daily targets for call volume, contacts reached, and appointments booked.

Feel free to implement the examples above in our script and practice your elevator pitch. Aim for no more than 3 sentences in your pitch. 1 is ideal. The shorter, the better.

Over time, and with practice, your cold call script will sound more natural, more compelling, and yield better results!



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